Website Update

Members will notice a change to the layout of how we communicate the investment returns of each of the 3 Funds. In the past we have provided in the largest print the monthly return for the Funds, and this is now replaced by the return for each fund since its inception, along with the date of inception.

The reason for this change is to encourage members to focus on the longer term performance of the Funds, in line with member long term investment horizons, rather than the volatile monthly results that fluctuate between positive and negative returns as markets change.

The monthly and fiscal year to date results will still be displayed on the main page but in smaller print under each Fund, and the full results with break downs of the results within each Fund will continue to be reported on in full under the Investment Returns tab of the website.

If any further clarification is needed you can call into the CINSF office to discuss.

Damien Beddoes


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