CINSF 2015 Members General Meeting

The Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund (CINSF) is pleased to advise that a members general meeting will be held on the 20th October 2015. This meeting follows the first members general meeting that was held in 2014, as the Board of Directors continues to maintain an open and transparent forum for the direction, objectives, and results of the fund.

The meeting will be attended by the CINSF Board of Directors, the funds Trustee the Public Trust, and investment managers Russell Investments. The CINSF office would like to encourage our members to attend this meeting, and we invite questions from members to be submitted to the CINSF by 16 October, to be included into the agenda for discussion on the night.

The meeting will include:

  1. Update on objectives set at the 2014 general meeting.
  2. Proposed changes to the Fund.
  3. Amendments made to the Trust Deed.
  4. Investment Results and Member Options.
  5. Members Questions
  6. Summary of objectives for the next 12 months

A final agenda will be advertised in the lead up to the 20th of October following submissions from members.

The meeting will take place at the Sinai Hall in Avarua, on Tuesday 20 October 2015, commencing at 5:00pm. Any submissions or questions for the meeting from members can be delivered to the CINSF office located at the end of the ANZ building in Avarua, or emailed to

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