Employer Registration
To register as an Employer on the Fund carefully read the Employers Information Handbook and:
- Complete the Employer Registration Form ensuring that all the information you provide is correct.
- Sign the form and provide a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation to the CINSF Office.
- Arrange a time for a Client Service Officer to do a site visit to assist with the installation of the NSF Super System to make electronic submissions for monthly payments and reconciliations.
- Confirm a presentation time for a Client Services Officer to visit and explain the features and benefits of the CINSF to you and your staff. This includes an educational component to enable new members to understand the investment options they can choose from.
If you cannot provide time for your employees to have a presentation, they can visit the CINSF office to obtain further information.
If the Employee is not currently a member:
- Complete a Membership Application Form, ensuring that all the information provided is correct.
- Complete the Investment Switch Direction Form
- The employee must sign both forms and provide a copy of their passport or birth certificate and drivers licence to the CINSF Office. You can bring these documents to the CINSF Office for copying.
- The employer must sign the ‘Section 3 – Acceptance and Certification by Employer’ of the employees Membership Application Form.
On the Investment Choice Direction Form for New Members employees will need to choose which CINSF Investment Fund they wish their contributions to be invested in. They can choose either one CINSF Investment Fund or a combination of any two or all three CINSF Investment Funds. We call this “Investment Direction”. For further information on how to set an Investment Direction and information on the three CINSF Investment Funds, please see pages 15 – 19 of the Members Information Handbook.
If an Investment Direction is not provided, an employees contributions will be invested in the CINSF Conservative (Default) Fund. The CINSF Conservative (Default) Fund has the same investment exposure as the whole of the Fund had prior to 1 July 2015.
Employer Information Pack
Your information pack consists of the following:
- Employer Certificate
- CINSF Member and Employer Hand book
Our Client Services team is available to offer their services should you require further information and/or assistance.